Tuesday 13 November 2007

Fun with the NGO Design Team

Taryn and me

Laurent our fearless Leader!


Monday 12 November 2007

Sunday Dinner with Kevin & Laura and the girls!

Last night we had dinner with Kevin and Laura, Taryn and Melissa. I made soup from scratch ( I now make up the recipes, and they are good!)

Sunday 11 November 2007

Kevin and Laura visit from Spain!



Matt with his old lady roller cart!

Sunday 4 November 2007

Saturday Night

Las night was a big night for us…I finished my midterms! After many, many hours spent pouring over theorists and my own responses to their various ideologies, Matt and I decided to go out on the town. First we went to a fete thrown by a friend who lives in a very swanky apartment in the 7e (very she-she!) It was a wonderful group of friends in a very beautiful apartment. The food and conversation was incredible. Of course, we forgot the camera so I cannot show you what the fun looked like. I spoke for a while with a French woman about the differences between Americans and the French. I always love these conversations because they are rarely judgmental- they are just plain observant and interesting.

After a few hours of adult conversation we hopped on the Metro and jetted over the 11e to meet some graduate and doctoral students for drinks at a small bar named “ Le Petit Garage.” We met Crina, the organizer of this get together, at a small shindig thrown by one of my younger profs last weekend (she went to Northwestern with him.) We all hung out on couches and spoke about everything from Kant’s categorical imperative to why insurgent country music is cool. It really was tons of fun…but the fun can only take you so far into the night; alas, at about 12:30 Melissa, Taryn, Matt and I headed out to pick up some banana and cinnamon crepes before retiring for the evening. Next time I will remember to bring my camera so you can see what we are up to.

Today will be a lazy Sunday. I plan on reading nothing but trash so as to give my brain a break before I kick it back up for research for my finals that will be due in about 6 weeks.