Wednesday 17 October 2007

Kat & Mark

So it is midterm week, and what am I doing? I am finally updating my blog because I do not feel like writing about the research methodologies associated with contemporary media analysis right now.

Our friends Katherine and Mark are in town this week and we are having the best time with them. They are in Amsterdam today, and they inspired us to get on the band wagon and make some travel plans. Coming up is London, Barcelona, Carceson in southern France, and maybe Stockholm.

Last night I heard Michael Ware speak (the CNN war correspondent for Baghdad) to a small group of us. It was UNBELIEVABLE! It helped restore my faith in the media. He was there with a very young senior producer (who was gorgeous by the way) and they basically have given their lives to sharing the Iraqi experience with the world. I spoke with him for a bit after the talk and had to hold myself back from grabbing his leg and asking him to take me with him. I realized how much love the world needs. Of course, when I went home and took a nice long, hot bath, I realized I could never live in a cement bunker.

Well I am off to school. I will try to update this blog more consistently!

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