Tuesday 9 October 2007

Kelly Comes to Visit

Last night Matt and I had Kelly ( my mentor in life) and her niece Carly, an undergrad at AUP, over for a lovely dinner. It was so wonderful to hang out with one of my favorite people in PARIS! I cannot believe this is my life sometimes. I wake up with a smile every day. This morning I went to my French class and then my Design Hub meeting. After class I took the Metro to our “office,” the café Trois Chinon, where I found Kelly and Matt enjoying a café allonge. I then spent the rest of the afternoon walking around the Marais with Kelly.

I also FINALLY took some pictures of school. This is what I see on my way to class.

Here are some of my friends at school.

This is my first post and that is why it is lame. When I get on a roll they will improve, maybe...

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